
6 reviews

Tomer A1- A2 /Miss Zahra Koujeh

Learning Turkish can be beneficial for various groups of people depending on their different needs and interests.
47 Students enrolled
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The Turkish language learning program offers those interested an ideal opportunity to acquire this language in an innovative and effective way. The program allows learners to explore the elements of the Turkish language in terms of grammar and vocabulary, in addition to developing their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The program is distinguished by providing diverse educational content that suits different learning levels, from beginners to advanced learners, along with the necessary educational resources that enhance the learning process comprehensively and uniquely.

What you will learn from TURKISH language?

  • Improving Communication Skills: You can interact with people from different cultures, facilitating the exchange of ideas and information.
  • Opening New Horizons in Work: Many jobs require knowledge of multiple languages, which can increase job opportunities.

What is the target audience?

  • University Students:

Students who want to study at Turkish universities or pursue graduate studies in Turkey will need to learn Turkish to understand lectures and interact with their peers.

  •  Business Professionals:

Businesspeople and investors who have business partnerships or projects in Turkey can improve their business relationships and effectively communicate with their Turkish partners by learning the language.

  •  Researchers and Academics:

Researchers studying Turkish history, literature, or social sciences will benefit from learning the language to access primary sources and understand texts more deeply.

  • People with Family or Social Connections:

Individuals with family members or friends who speak Turkish can learn the language to enhance their relationships and communicate better.

  •  Cultural Enthusiasts:

People interested in Turkish culture and arts, such as music, films, and literature, can better understand Turkish works by learning the language.

  • Immigrants and New Residents in Turkey:

People planning to move to Turkey for residence or work will need to learn the language to adapt to daily life and interact with the local community.

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Productivity Hacks to Get More Done in 2018

— 28 February 2017

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